Akhbrna News

UAE issues new decision to exempt residency violators from fines

ahmad eazb , News
(In UAE Time)
Last update:
Mohammed bin Rashid
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid

The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security has issued new decisions regarding violators of the residency system in the United Arab Emirates who wish to remain in the country, by providing new job opportunities for them to stay.

The General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Dubai stated that more than 4,000 job interviews will be provided for violators in the Emirates, specifically in Dubai, during the next two weeks.

The General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Dubai announced that about 22 companies are providing new job opportunities for violators residing in the Emirates, as part of the state's keenness to correct the status of violators of residency conditions in the Emirates.

More than 80 other companies have submitted applications to join the initiative

About 80 new companies have also applied to the initiative announced by the General Directorate of Residency in Dubai to join the "Grant to Correct the Status of Violators" initiative in the United Arab Emirates .

This new initiative comes from the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Dubai, as part of its desire to correct the status of violators, and enhance societal stability for residents in the Emirates.

Exempting them from financial fines and administrative restrictions

For its part, the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security confirmed the exemption of violating residents in the UAE from financial fines and administrative restrictions, starting from the first of September, as this initiative to exempt residents violating the conditions of residency in the UAE will continue until the end of next October.

Interviews with more than 4,000 residents in the UAE

According to data announced by the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs in Dubai, companies joining the initiative conducted interviews with more than 4,000 residents who violated residency conditions in the UAE during the first two weeks.

The initial results also indicated that this number continues to grow, thanks to the joint efforts made by all parties in the country.

58 residents who violated residency conditions in the UAE were employed

For its part, the Center for Settlement of Violators’ Status in Al Aweer explained that about 58 residents who violated residency conditions in the UAE have already been employed, after conducting job interviews in various available specializations, based on their qualifications and experience.

Residency in the UAE for Work

It is worth noting that the United Arab Emirates provides three options for residing in the UAE for legal work, which are the regular work visa, the green residence visa, and the support services visa.

The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security issues the regular work visa for foreigners working in the private and government sectors and free zones, while the green residence visa is issued for skilled workers for a period of 5 years.

While the last type of support services residence visa, these visas are issued only for support services workers or domestic workers.
